EPISODE #13 | 9:30 AM, Monday, July 6, 2020
MEDI MONDAYS | The Independence Day edition
Guest: Garcia Williams, executive director of The Medi
In this holiday weekend episode, before returning to our lineup of guest experts, popular radio host Terry Base and The Medi’s Garcia Williams recapped our many #COVID19-conversation episodes, full of information not easily found elsewhere. In the nearly 3 months WJNI and The Medi had been running the MEDI MONDAYS radio show as a public service as of this date, our experts had covered:
The very latest on COVID-19 from our state epidemiologist
Social justice and advocacy on matters the disproportionately impact people of color in our community, including COVID-19
How historians are collecting the #coronavirus experiences of African Americans, and how you can submit yours
How the pandemic is affecting, and will affect, young children with special needs, autism, & disabilities... and pregnant womenCOVID-19's impact on communities of color, from US Rep. James Clyburn, chair of the House Committee on Coronavirus
COVID-19's impact on mental health, and ways you can keep yourself mentally healthy during the pandemic
COVID-19's impact on people in addiction recovery, a disease of isolation, from an executive of The Opioid Collaborative
Wellness and mindfulness during the pandemic, particularly needed by those impacted by social determinants of health
Why the "stay at home" order is detrimental to people of color and those living in poverty, from medical ethicist Glenn Ellis
Healthcare disparities & on-the-ground COVID-19 experiences of one hospital system, from the COO of KerhshawHealth
A COVID-19 testing update from the COO of Franklin C. Fetter Healthcare
Tune in every Monday morning to WJNI 106.3 FM or listen online at www.wjnigospel.com for a new, local conversation about COVID-19 and how it's affecting under-served populations, with information and experts that can't be found anywhere else. Past episodes of MEDI MONDAYS: The Coronavirus Edition can also be found at www.themedi.org/Medi-Mondays-Coronavirus.
Listen to this episode below!
MEDI MONDAYS radio show
Helpful resources and info on how COVID-19 is affecting underserved populations
Our COVID-19 database of coronavirus resources local to YOU is constantly updated! Click here to put in your ZIP code. On the next page that comes up, type COVID19 in the upper left search bar, and you'll see everything from home prescription delivery in your area to where to get tested for free to a Facebook page for COVID-19 healthcare professionals.

Check us out on the City of Charleston, South Carolina's coronavirus resource list and its weekly Neighborhood News e-newsletter.
Please link to this page on your website!
Here, your congregation can quickly find updated COVID-19 resources in their areas by entering their ZIP code at www.themedi.org and typing "COVID19" in the upper left search bar on the next page. This is a free service provided by us as part of our mission to help those in need, especially with healthcare.
A shout-out to Morris Street Baptist Church for
linking to us from their home page. Thank you!