EPISODE #19 | 9:30 AM, Monday, August 17, 2020
The consequences of COVID-19 social isolation
Guest: Helen C. Ballestas, PhD, nurse educator & adult nurse practitioner
Join Helen C. Ballestas, PhD, popular radio host Terry Base, and Garcia Williams, executive director of The Medi, for a #COVID19 conversation! Scroll down to listen in below as Dr. Ballestas talks about the consequence of social isolation during the pandemic.
From anxiety to depression and more, the COVD-19 pandemic has the potential to deeply affect us because we are inherently social beings. Being forced into quasi-seclusion because of the pandemic may have consequences to how we live our lives.
Understanding these consequences and being proactive are our first defense. This MEDI MONDAYS episode will focus on the why, the signs and symptoms, and how you can help yourself and others.
Dr. Ballestas is an adult nurse practitioner and a nurse educator. She earned her PhD in leadership of higher education, her dual master’s and bachelor’s degrees in nursing education, and a post-master certificate as an adult nurse practitioner. She has more than 15 years of experience as a registered nurse, and has worked in the intensive care arena, acute rehabilitation, and as an inpatient nurse practitioner for a prestigious cardiothoracic surgical service. She has also held several nurse manager positions in acute care settings and is an experienced primary care provider with a past specialty on the Hispanic population. She currently teaches mental and community health.
Tune in every Monday morning to WJNI 106.3 FM or listen online at www.wjnigospel.com for a new, local conversation about COVID-19 and how it's affecting under-served populations, with information and experts that can't be found anywhere else. Past episodes of MEDI MONDAYS: The Coronavirus Edition can also be found at www.themedi.org/Medi-Mondays-Coronavirus.
Listen to this episode below!
MEDI MONDAYS radio show
Helpful resources and info on how COVID-19 is affecting underserved populations
Our COVID-19 database of coronavirus resources local to YOU is constantly updated! Click here to put in your ZIP code. On the next page that comes up, type COVID19 in the upper left search bar, and you'll see everything from home prescription delivery in your area to where to get tested for free to a Facebook page for COVID-19 healthcare professionals.

Check us out on the City of Charleston, South Carolina's coronavirus resource list and its weekly Neighborhood News e-newsletter.
Please link to this page on your website!
Here, your congregation can quickly find updated COVID-19 resources in their areas by entering their ZIP code at www.themedi.org and typing "COVID19" in the upper left search bar on the next page. This is a free service provided by us as part of our mission to help those in need, especially with healthcare.
A shout-out to Morris Street Baptist Church for
linking to us from their home page. Thank you!