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EPISODE #28 | 9:30 AM, Monday, October 26, 2020
COVID-19 has been hard on black-owned businesses. How local churches are helping
Guests: Rev. Byron Benton and Rev. William Plonk


Join Rev. Byron Benton, pastor of Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church (pictured at right above), Rev. William Plonk, lead pastor of Grace City Church in North Charleston (pictured at left above), popular radio host Terry Base, and Garcia Williams, executive director of The Medi, for a #COVID19 conversation! Scroll down to listen in below as the two faith leaders share how they and their churches are working to help black businesses. (Updated version coming soon; please bear with the beginning section!)


It's harder for blacks than most other Americans to obtain business loans, home financing, and high-paying jobs. For more than a century since slavery's end, African Americans have been systemically excluded from economic opportunities afforded to the majority, resulting in a wealth gap between white and black people. COVID-19 has made this gap even plainer, disproportionately affecting black communities and revealing the lack of business financing available to tide over black-owned businesses during times of economic stress. 


The Charleston region hopes to be a leader in what has been a nationwide effort to encourage consumers and industries to "buy black," and invest in black-owned businesses. Investing in black-owned banks in particular could help support minority-owned businesses and low-wealth communities. 


Five Charleston-area churches have committed to placing thousands of dollars into black-owned financial firms as part of an effort to address this gap. Pastors at several other Lowcountry churches have also verbally committed to talking with congregations about possibly doing the same. Our guests Rev. Benton and Rev. Plonk are among those leading the charge for churches to invest in minority-owned financial organizations.


Tune in every Monday morning to WJNI 106.3 FM or listen online at for a new, local conversation about COVID-19 and how it's affecting under-served populations, with information and experts that can't be found anywhere else. Past episodes of MEDI MONDAYS: The Coronavirus Edition can also be found at

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MEDI MONDAYS radio show

Helpful resources and info on how COVID-19 is affecting underserved populations


Our COVID-19 database of coronavirus resources local to YOU is constantly updated! Click here to put in your ZIP code. On the next page that comes up, type COVID19 in the upper left search bar, and you'll see everything from home prescription delivery in your area to where to get tested for free to a Facebook page for COVID-19 healthcare professionals.




Please link to this page on your website!

Here, your congregation can quickly find updated COVID-19 resources in their areas by entering their ZIP code at and typing "COVID19" in the upper left search bar on the next page. This is a free service provided by us as part of our mission to help those in need, especially with healthcare.


A shout-out to Morris Street Baptist Church for

linking to us from their home page. Thank you!

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